Home » By State » Massachusetts » Bears Den Waterfall New Salem, MA

About Bears Den

The Bears Den Waterfall, located on the Middle Branch of the Swift River, is a hidden gem nestled in the secluded woodlands of Massachusetts. The waterfall itself is a beautiful sight, cascading down into a small forested gorge. But the area holds a rich history as well.

In 1675, the great Native American chief Metacomet, also known as King Philip by European settlers, held a meeting with neighboring chieftains at the Bears Den Waterfall to plan attacks on the nearby towns of Hadley, Deerfield, and Northampton.

The waterfall and surrounding area are now part of the Bears Den reservation, named after a black bear that was shot on the property. The reservation offers hiking trails that wind through the dense forest, providing access to the waterfall and other scenic spots.

Visitors to the Bears Den Waterfall can enjoy a peaceful and serene experience, surrounded by the beauty of nature. The waterfall is a popular destination for hikers and nature lovers, and is a great spot for a picnic or a scenic photo opportunity.

Getting There

18 Neilson Rd
New Salem, MA 01355

Our Visit to Bears Den

Our visit to Bear’s Den Waterfall was a delightful experience for the whole family. This is a destination we visit multiple times a year. The waterfall is located in a beautiful, secluded area surrounded by lush greenery. The kids had a great time exploring the area and playing in the water. The waterfall itself is not too high, so it was safe for the kids to play around in the shallow pool at the bottom.

One of the best things about Bear’s Den Waterfall is that it is very kid-friendly. The path to the waterfall is easy to walk on, so it was perfect for our kids.

When we arrived at the waterfall, the kids were immediately drawn to the clear, cool water. They spent a lot of time splashing around and playing in the shallow pool at the bottom of the waterfall. They also enjoyed climbing on the rocks and exploring the surrounding area.

The kids had a wonderful time exploring and playing in the water, and we all enjoyed the beautiful natural setting. It was a perfect day trip for the whole family.

Pictures of Bears Den Waterfall

The waterfall in late spring after a good rain.
We enjoy visiting during the winter time to see the waterfall frozen over.