Home » Hiking » Hiking Trails in Folly Beach, SC: Discovering the Charm of the Lowcountry

Folly Beach, SC, may be known for its beaches, but the charming Lowcountry town offers plenty of opportunities for hiking enthusiasts. With its lush wetlands, scenic marshes, and unbeatable ocean views, Folly Beach has plenty of options for hikers of all levels. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Folly Beach’s scenic natural landscape, explore popular hiking trails, and suggest additional outdoor activities in the area.

Discovering the Charm of the Lowcountry in Folly Beach

Folly Beach is located just outside of Charleston, SC, making it an ideal spot for nature lovers who want to escape the city and immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the Lowcountry. From its towering trees to its sparkling saltwater marshes, Folly Beach’s natural beauty is a testament to the charm and wonder of the Lowcountry.

Scenic Views and Vistas

Hiking in Folly Beach means you’ll be treated to unbeatable Lowcountry scenery. The sprawling wetlands and peaceful marshes provide a tranquil backdrop to every hike. Folly Beach’s sandy beaches and sparkling ocean views are also not to be missed.

If you’re looking for a particularly stunning view, head to the Morris Island Lighthouse trail. This 3-mile hike will take you along the beach and through stunning marshland to the iconic Morris Island Lighthouse.

Seasonal Changes in the Landscape

Folly Beach’s natural landscape is ever-changing, making every season a unique and exciting time to hike. In the spring and summer months, the natural world is alive and vibrant, with blooming flowers and lush greens. In the fall and winter, the saltwater marshland takes on new colors and tones that offer a unique view of the Lowcountry.

No matter which season you choose to visit Folly Beach, you’re sure to find the natural landscape equally enchanting.

Popular Hiking Trails in Folly Beach

Folly Beach may be small compared to other hiking destinations, but it boasts a variety of trails that can satisfy hikers of all levels with its natural beauty.

Morris Island Lighthouse Trail

The Morris Island Lighthouse Trail is perhaps the most popular hiking trail in Folly Beach. The 3-mile out-and-back trail travels through marshes and on the beach and offers stunning views of the iconic Morris Island Lighthouse. The trail can be rocky and swampy in places, so be sure to bring sturdy shoes.

Folly Beach County Park Trail

Folly Beach County Park is a great spot for families or beginners looking for a leisurely hike. The park features several hiking trails that take you through scenic marshland and offer glimpses of the Atlantic Ocean. The trails are well-maintained and relatively flat, making it an easy and enjoyable hike for all.

Folly Island Wetlands Trail

The Folly Island Wetlands Trail is a must-do for hikers looking to explore the tidal creeks and pristine marshes of Folly Island. This 2.5-mile trail is on the quieter side, offering hikers a peaceful retreat to enjoy the natural beauty of the Lowcountry. The trail is not marked, so be sure to pay attention to your surroundings.

Preparing for Your Hike

Before setting out on any hike, it’s crucial to prepare and take the necessary precautions to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable experience.

Essential Gear and Supplies

When hiking in Folly Beach, be sure to bring the essential gear and supplies that can help make your hike more comfortable and enjoyable. Sturdy shoes, a hat, sunscreen, and plenty of water are some of the essentials that you should bring with you. Bring a backpack with snacks and other essentials you might need, such as insect repellent or a first-aid kit.

Safety Tips and Guidelines

Hiking in Folly Beach can be unpredictable, so you should always take precautions to ensure your safety. Be sure to tell someone where you’re going and when you plan to return, especially if you’re traveling alone. Be aware of your surroundings and watch out for any hazards that may be nearby.

It’s also smart to bring a map or have a good idea of the route you’ll be taking. Keep an eye on the trail markers and stay on designated trails.

Leave No Trace Principles

Hikers should always follow Leave No Trace principles to help preserve the natural beauty of Folly Beach. Stay on designated trails, avoid littering, and respect other hikers by keeping noise levels low. Pack out your trash and avoid trampling on vegetation or disturbing wildlife.

By following these simple tips and guidelines, you can have a safe and respectful hike in Folly Beach.

Additional Outdoor Activities in Folly Beach

If you’re looking for more outdoor activities to enjoy in Folly Beach after hiking, here are a few ideas:


Folly Beach is a popular spot for surfers of all levels. With rolling waves and warm waters, Folly Beach is an ideal spot to catch a wave.

Kayaking and Paddleboarding

Folly Beach’s marshes and creeks offer excellent opportunities for kayaking and paddleboarding. You can rent a kayak or paddleboard and explore the Lowcountry in a new way.


Fishing enthusiasts can enjoy the catches of the Atlantic Ocean and Folly Island’s creeks and marshes. There are several fishing charters and rental companies available.

From hiking and surfing to kayaking and paddleboarding, Folly Beach offers plenty of opportunities to soak up the beauty of the Lowcountry.


Hiking in Folly Beach is a wonderful opportunity to explore the natural beauty of the Lowcountry. Be sure to prepare and bring the necessary gear and supplies, follow safety guidelines and Leave No Trace principles, and immerse yourself in the stunning scenery of Folly Beach.

Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or starting, Folly Beach’s varied trails will take you through beautiful wetlands, marshes, and beaches. From the iconic Morris Island Lighthouse to the peaceful Folly Island Wetlands Trail, there is no shortage of beautiful hiking trails to enjoy. So, pack your gear and enjoy the natural landscape in Folly Beach, SC.
